Monday, July 11, 2011

VCS IP and NIC resource

                                           IP agent

The IP agent manages the process of configuring a virtual IP address and its
subnet mask on an interface for IPv4 addresses. The virtual IP address must not
be in use. You can use this agent when you want to monitor a single IP address
on a single adapter.

Agent functions

Solaris: Configures the IP address to the NIC. Checks if another
system is using the IP address. Uses the ifconfig command to set the IP
address on a unique alias on the interface

Brings down the IP address that is specified in the Address attribute.

 Monitors the interface to test if the IP address that is associated with the
interface is alive.

 Brings down the IP address that is associated with the specified interface.

State definitions

 Indicates that the device is up and the specified IP address is assigned to
the device.

Indicates that the device is down or the specified IP address is not assigned
to the device.

 Indicates that the agent could not determine the state of the resource or
that the resource attributes are invalid.

Required attributes for Solaris

A virtual IP address that is associated with the interface. Note that
the address you specify must not be the same as the configured
physical IP address, but should be on the same network.

The name of the NIC device that is associated with the IP address.
Requires the device name without an alias.


IP resources depend on NIC resources.

IP IP_test (
                Critical = 0
                Device = bge0
                Address = ""
                NetMask = ""
                Options = trailers


hares -add IP_test  IP  TestGrouplab1 
 hares -modify IP_test  Critical  0 
 hares -modify IP_test  ArpDelay  1 
 hares -modify IP_test  IfconfigTwice  0 
 hares -modify IP_test  Device  bge0 
 hares -modify IP_test  Address 
 hares -modify IP_test  NetMask 
 hares -modify IP_test  Options  trailers 
 hares -modify IP_test  ContainerName   
 hares -modify IP_test  Enabled  1 

#####################################END OF IP AGENT#########################

                                                                 NIC agent

The NIC agent monitors the configured NIC. If a network link fails, or if a
problem arises with the NIC, the resource is marked FAULTED. You can use the
agent to make a single IP address on a single adapter highly available or to
monitor it. This resource’s Operation value is OnOnly.


No child dependencies exist for this resource.

The NIC listed in the Device attribute must have an administrative IP address.
The administrative IP address is the default IP address that is assigned to the
physical interface of a host on a network

Agent functions


Tests the network card and network link. Pings the network hosts or
broadcast address of the interface to generate traffic on the network.
Counts the number of packets passing through the device before and
after the address is pinged. If the count decreases or remains the
same, the resource is marked FAULTED.
If the NetworkHosts list is empty, or the ping test fails, the agent
sends a ping to the device’s broadcast address to generate network
traffic. The agent checks for any response to the broadcast request. If
there is no reply to the broadcast ping, the resource faults.

State definitions

 Indicates that the NIC resource is working.


 Indicates that the NIC has failed.

Indicates the agent cannot determine the interface state. It may be due to
an incorrect configuration.

Required attributes for Solaris

Name of the NIC that you want to monitor.


hares -add  NIC_AGENT_test  NIC  TestGrouplab1
hares -modify NIC_AGENT_test Critical 0
hares -modify NIC_AGENT_test PingOptimize  1
hares -modify NIC_AGENT_test Device  bge0
hares -modify NIC_AGENT_test NetworkType  
hares -modify NIC_AGENT_test NetworkHosts -delete -keys
hares -modify NIC_AGENT_test Enabled 0

   NIC NIC_AGENT_test (
                Enabled = 0
                Critical = 0
                Device = bge0

###################################END OF NIC AGENT ############################


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